2022 Annual Report
StoveTeam International
Dear Supporters,
I am thrilled to share with you that I recently celebrated my 3-year anniversary as Executive Director of StoveTeam International. What a journey it has been! When I first joined StoveTeam, we faced unprecedented challenges, including a global pandemic, factory shutdowns, and an uncertain economic landscape. Despite these obstacles, I am proud to say that over the past three years, we have achieved remarkable growth and success - all thanks to you, StoveTeam’s amazing donors, supporters, staff, and volunteers.
Today, I am excited to share our progress with you through StoveTeam's 2022 Annual Report. This report highlights our collective efforts and achievements and is a testament to your unwavering commitment to StoveTeam's mission of improving health, protecting the environment, and creating jobs by promoting the use of clean, efficient, and affordable cookstoves.
I am filled with gratitude for the tremendous support that you have shown to this organization. Without your generosity and dedication, none of these accomplishments would have been possible.
Thank you for being a vital part of this journey. Thank you for being a part of this TEAM! I look forward to continuing our partnership as we work toward a better future together.
All my best,
Shelby Kardas - Executive Director, StoveTeam International
2022 - Our Core Mission - Stoves
2022 was a year of investment in StoveTeam’s infrastructure, method, and impact
In Guatemala, we began the year by evaluating all stoves placed during 2020 and 2021. This important work ensures quality control and that stoves are being adopted by families. We also moved into our own factory space, ensuring the efficient production and distribution of materials, and giving us a learning and teaching space from which to launch the first of three Maestros Comaleros, Stovebuilder Training Academies. Overall, we placed 594 new Justa stoves in Guatemala in 2022 and our team performed in-depth site visits and adoption surveys with over 780 families.
After a multi-year process, we are so excited to announce that we received NGO status in Guatemala!
This makes StoveTeam an international non-profit that can now hire staff, pay health benefits, and create new partnerships. It also gives us a stable base from which to operate all of our projects in Central America and we look forward to supporting communities in new ways. Due to all these developments, we have gained new partners. Thanks to multiple Rotary clubs across the world and SumUp, our target goal in 2023 is to place 1,500 stoves in Guatemala alone.
In El Salvador, our long-time factory partner, Gustavo Peña, joined by his youngest son, Emerson, launched a pilot project to build Justa stoves in communities around Sonsonate. With guidance from Mike, Alex, and Gustavo, Emerson is now taking the lead and evolving their method of qualifying families and placing stoves for optimal adoption and greatest need. Together the team in El Salvador placed 152 Justa stoves and 10 Ecocina stoves in 2022.
Engineers in Technical and Humanitarian Opportunities of Service (ETHOS), a nonprofit that holds an annual conference to support cookstoves and the clean cooking community, continues to support StoveTeam’s partners. At the end of the year, the ETHOS Board of Directors awarded Gustavo a full scholarship to attend the January 2023 ETHOS conference in Kirkland, WA, USA.
In Nicaragua, Elida Olivas and her husband, Nelson Parrales, continue to have success selling the portable Ecocina cookstove with a small subsidy by StoveTeam. In 2022, through the Avanza factory, StoveTeam also launched a pilot of the Justa project led by Nelson. Overall, Elida and Nelson placed 528 Ecocina stoves and 400 Justa stoves in communities around Estelí.
We are also excited to have new partners supporting our work in Nicaragua including ClimateHound, a company with the mission to help food and beverage businesses calculate their carbon footprints, implement reduction strategies, and achieve carbon-neutral certification. ClimateHound is sponsoring Ecocina cookstoves in Nicaragua with an ongoing project to claim the carbon offsets of these stoves. Our goal is to place 1,000 Ecocinas in 2023 through this new partnership.
StoveTeam’s permanent Guatemala team, Anibela, Waleska, Joaquin, Dani, Alejandro, Santos, Oseas, and Alex.
Executive Director, Shelby Kardas, and Board Chair, Kim Forrest with Gustavo Peña and his son, Emerson.
Elida Olivas in front of the colorful Ecocina stoves she produced in her factory in Nicaragua.
Stoves In Retalhuleu
We are grateful for the continued partnership we have with Rotary Clubs both in the US and in Guatemala.
Clubs in Georgia, USA and Retalhuleu, Guatemala came together to develop an ongoing project that, to date, has resulted in the placement of 500 Justa stoves in the Retalhuleu region of Guatemala.
Steffanie Sorrels is a Rotarian of the Rotary Club of Winder, GA, a Guatemalan, and a Champion of StoveTeam International. Steffanie introduced us to the need in Retalhuleu in February 2022 and coordinated a partnership with Club Rotario Retalhuleu. With a goal to raise $10,000, Steffanie traveled throughout the state of Georgia sharing about the danger of open-fire cooking and the impact of StoveTeam’s work. Steffanie gathered support from over ten Rotary Clubs in Georgia, exceeding her goal and raising over $11,000.
“My motivation for getting involved was simply because I saw a basic need and I knew that there was a way to make life better for this community. Connecting the Rotary Club of Retalhuleu with StoveTeam, and being able to assist both groups from 1,500 miles away has been as much of a blessing to me as the Justa stoves are to the families receiving them.”-Steffanie Sorrels
This stove project also brought us Francisco Quevedo, President of Club Rotario Retalhuleu, and club member, Jose Carlos. Francisco and Jose have been vital resources to StoveTeam International and the Retalhuleu stove project. Francisco helped to facilitate this project, providing technical support and resources. Francisco continues to go above and beyond, assisting with the placement of stoves throughout Retalhuleu, the transportation of materials and labor, the donation of materials, housing for stove builders, and storage space. Jose is a dedicated supporter of StoveTeam and a leading member of his community. With Jose’s guidance and support, we built and placed 100 stoves in the town of Caballo Blanco.
Steffanie presenting to Rotary Club of Banks County
Picture Left To Right: Nixon, Alex, Evelio, Francisco, Waleska
Support from Rotarians like Steffanie, Francisco, and Jose help StoveTeam make a greater impact in the communities that need us the most. We look forward to continuing our work in Retalhuleu as Francisco has identified over 200 more households for stove placement in 2023.
Doña Otrivina Elizabet López evaluates her new stove in Retalhuleu, Guatemala.
Training Future Stove-Builders
This was our first year hosting Maestros Comaleros Training Academies in our factory space in Guatemala. The Maestro Comalero Training enables StoveTeam to train contract stove builders in our method of building, to ensure the production of excellent quality stoves, and to educate families to aid in their transition and adoption of the new technology. We hosted three trainings in 2022 with 46 participants, 31 men, and 15 women. A full-time stove builder can build two stoves per day. As many stove builders work part-time, we aim to place a minimum of 100 stoves per month. This extensive training provides the knowledge and skill development needed for individuals to supplement their income and bring fuel-efficient cookstoves to their communities. Through this program, we also emphasize women’s empowerment and adoption of stoves. We recruited long-time women stove-builders, Betty, Eva, and Anabela as Maestros Comaleros Trainers for 2023 and continue to improve our recruitment methods to retain both men and women stove-builders.
Paving The Way With Carbon Offsets
In 2022 StoveTeam completed all fieldwork to apply for VERRA carbon certification for stoves placed in Guatemala in 2020. Third-party validator AENOR will complete the required, in-person field visit in spring 2023, and the final application will be submitted to VERRA in June 2023. Due to carbon certification efforts, our knowledge, methods, and data collection have greatly advanced since 2020, allowing StoveTeam to more accurately measure and report on our impact in the field.
Combating Climate Change
We remain focused on combating climate change by reducing carbon emissions and deforestation caused by open-fire cooking. Our cookstoves reduce harmful emissions by as much as 90% and require 50% less firewood resulting in 50% less CO2 emissions being released into the atmosphere. Advocates and partners in climate action have joined us in our mission to end open-fire cooking in Central America. ClimateHound and SumUp are new corporate funders we secured for stove projects in 2023 due to this work. In 2023 ClimateHound is supporting our Ecocina Project in Nicaragua and SumUp is supporting the carbon offsets of 1,000 Justa stoves across Central America.
Mike Hatfield instructs Emerson Peña on performing KPT’s. Kitchen performance tests are useful to evaluate fuel usage and are a critical component in demonstrating carbon savings on clean cookstoves.
StoveTeam’s Carbon Project: As we expand our stove work and enter into carbon projects, the effort to organize effective monitoring and evaluation efforts and meet reporting requirements has greatly increased. For over 25 years, Mike Hatfield has worked in stove design, production, and dissemination and has been StoveTeam’s resident “stove expert” for 6 years. At the end of 2022, Mike was promoted to Director of Monitoring and Evaluation to focus on quality control, monitoring, evaluation, and the development of future carbon projects.
Our Team Continues To Grow
In the US: We are excited to welcome, Heidi Groot and Rich Goldstein to our eight-member Board of Directors. Board members provide diverse volunteer expertise and represent multiple states across the US including Oregon, California, Utah, and Texas. We also recruited new talent to meet our growing program needs, Tina Talbot, Administrative Assistant/Business Manager, and Emily Cupo, Director of Development & Communications, to join us at the start of 2023.
Heidi Groot is the General Manager Human Resources, Midstream for Chevron Corporation, based in San Ramon, California. She is responsible for oversight of the HR function activities for Supply and Trade, Shipping and Power and Pipeline businesses and is a member of the HR Management Team and Executive Women’s Group. Since joining Chevron in 2002, Heidi has held leadership positions of increasing responsibility in California, Florida, Nigeria, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Argentina. She is fluent in Spanish.
Rich Goldstein brings to StoveTeam a diverse background spanning manufacturing (both domestic and international), jewelry design, software development, healthcare, and integrative health. He has worked with large enterprises, as well as smaller businesses. Primarily his work has been in the private sector, with some experience in both non-profit and public sector organizations. He has spent time in Asia, Europe, and Central America, where he was introduced to StoveTeam in 2019.
In Guatemala: Alex Eaton received a promotion to recognize his great work and the responsibility he has assumed in the field, and now holds the title of Regional Director, Central America. As programs develop in El Salvador and Nicaragua, Alex spends more time developing and professionalizing all our programs abroad. Waleska Santos has stepped up as Guatemala Operations Director. Waleska is instrumental in the Maestros Comaleros program and manages all logistics for stove building and distribution in Guatemala.
Taking the Lead in Guatemala
Alex Eaton and Waleska Santos lead StoveTeam’s efforts from our newly established NGO office and factory space outside of Antigua, Guatemala.
Longtime foundation supporters and friends
StoveTeam’s incredible growth this year is thanks to the support of hundreds of donors, but we want to take a moment to thank some who went the extra mile to ensure our programs continue no matter what. This year we are proud to have been supported by grants from the Christadelphian Meal a Day Fund, Good Works Institute, The RoundHouse Foundation, The Delaney-Oxley Family Fund of Triangle Community Foundation, and Rotary clubs from all over the country!
A three-year commitment to a yearly donation of at least $500
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Committed support helps StoveTeam plan and act efficiently
Linda Alband
Kendall Allen
Richard & Kathy Amos
Susie Andrist
Patricia Baker
Emy Bartula
Hugh Beattie
Marty Black
Elena Rae Bohannan
Monica Careaga Houck
Linda & Doug Carnine
Gemma Castelli
Francine Chinitz
Ginger Chinn
Martha Collins
Ashley Crawford
Sierra & Dustin Dawson
Jeane Delaney & Jeff Oxley
Barbara Dumesnil
Jane Falls
Ann Flack
Susan Gallagher
Heidi Groot
John Guffey
Michael Haase
Elizabeth Halper
Sandi K Henley
Christine & Charles Heritage
Fran Baselga Herrero
John Howard
Nancy Hughes
Linda Jones
Jack & Rachel Jordan
Eddie Karriker
Shivaun Korfanta
Jay & Tina Lamb
Anita & Ron Larson
Francois Lemay & Kathryn Benight Lemay
Wendy & John Lestina
Elanna Lisk
Walt & Nancy Meyer
Charissa Nelson
Leslie Parker
Debra Polak
Victoria Quinn Stephens
Caroline Passerotti & Timothy Brewer
Allen & Georgann Reel
Gerry Reicher
John Renehan
Eric Resener & Julie Marchini
Colin Rhodes
Ron Riggins
Steffanie Rivas Sorrels
Charles Stookey
Kimberly Smith-Cupani
Babs & Jim Sullivan
Douglas Taylor
Shirley Turnbow & Hilton Smith
Alex & Fiona Tait
Lisa M Uerkvitz
Laura Van Horn
Carol Walsh
Yinette Wisdom
Carol Lee Woodstock
Candice Wynne
Christadelphian Meal-a-Day of the Americas
In December, StoveTeam's Board Chair, Kim Forrest, joined Executive Director, Shelby Kardas, and members of the Meal-a-Day Board to check the progress of all three current project locations. The visit was a success! In January, we received news that our capacity-building grant proposal would be funded. The grant aims to enhance StoveTeam's overall operational capacity over the next two years, by investing in infrastructure, staff retention, and the development and implementation of new data tracking systems — All of this helps us achieve our mission, to place more clean cookstoves, support families in Central America, and work toward a more healthy planet for all.
HPBA & The Hearth Industry - challenge met!
Mike Hatfield, Forest Resener, Joe & Peyton Hemmelgarn of My Hoosier Hearth and Craig Gutowski at the HPBA Expo in Atlanta, GA.
In March 2022 we launched our 1,000 Stove Challenge at the HPBA Expo in Atlanta, Georgia. We are thrilled to announce that in 2022, hearth industry leaders across North America joined forces to support clean-cooking in Central America by supporting the placement of 1,000 cookstoves. This onging partnership between StoveTeam and HPBA (Hearth, Patio, Barbecue, Association) promotes StoveTeam International as a Charity of Choice. The 1,000 Stove Challenge will now be an annual campaign and it includes a growing list of hearth industry partners across the U.S. and Canada.
Our partnership with HPBA and the hearth industry makes life-changing stoves affordable and accessible to families in need. We are grateful to so many hearth industry leaders, but especially, Associated Energy Systems, The Foundry, My Hoosier Hearth, and Forrest Technical Coating/Stove Bright High Temp Paint, who continue to be tremendous champions of this effort.
Our Rotary Partners
Photo of Canandaigua Rotary Club members, Past District Governor, Tom Rodgers and Immediate Past District Governor Janet Tenreiro
Special Thank to our Rotary Champions…..
The Rotary Foundation & Rotary of Moses Lake
Over $30,000
Janet Tenreiro and Rotary District 7120
Over $25,000
Steffanie Sorrels and District 6019
Over $10,000
San Diego Downtown Breakfast Rotary
Over $5,000
TOTAL RAISED THROUGH ROTARY in 2022: $111,033.44
In 2022, District Governor, Janet Tenreiro, of Rotary District 7120 in New York led a massive effort to bring over 30 Rotary Clubs together to produce a donation of over $25,000 in support of StoveTeam’s efforts.
“As District Governor, I was able to share a video of StoveTeam’s project with all the club presidents in our district — that is 65 clubs. At that time, we had just formed an Environmental Action Committee, and we were all aghast to learn how much carbon is put into the atmosphere by open cooking fires….Wow! what a great project! I asked all the club presidents to watch the video and share it with their clubs and our Environmental Action Committee voted to support StoveTeam and raise funds throughout the district. Overall, we ended up raising over $26,000 from 35 clubs. Our members were impressed that stoves are manufactured on site by local people with local materials, and that recipients are educated and encouraged in their use… so the stoves don’t just get dropped off, they get used. You do a great job!”
-Janet Tenreiro, District 7120
Scaling Up
Making An Impact Since 2007
2022 Financials
1,684 stoves = 5,052 tons of carbon* = 50% less wood
Between all of our partner projects, we are proud to have produced 1,684 cookstoves during 2022!
*StoveTeam’s cookstoves have been field tested to reduce an estimated 3-6 tons of carbon per stove, per year.
80.77% of expenses went toward our programs during 2022
TOTAL INCOME: $1,068,187.27
TOTAL EXPENSES: $758,636.57
Looking Ahead To 2023
Building Community & Growing Stove adoption for the health of people & our planet
In 2023, Master Stovebuilder, Anabela Hernandez will lead StoveTeam’s newly created Stove Adoption Program in Guatemala. In this program, Anabela will visit the homes of stove recipients to answer questions, gift a StoveTeam cooking pot, and cook a meal with stove recipients to encourage continued use of their new stove. These cooking demonstrations are part of a new initiative to teach local Guatemalans about the benefits of clean, fuel-efficient stoves. Why? Because open fire cookstoves are responsible for over 4 million premature deaths per year, mostly women and children. They kill more people each year than HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. They are also one of the most dangerous environmental polluters leading to global climate change due to the amount of black carbon and CO2 that they emit.
The Release of Smoke-The Flavor of Guatemala
In 2022 a dedicated group of staff and volunteers in both the US and Guatemala completed StoveTeam's first cookbook. SMOKE - The Flavor of Guatemala features the diversity of flavor and rich culture of Guatemalan cuisine, its cooks, and agricultural bounty. At the same time this project brings awareness to one of the world’s most devastating human health and environmental crises - open-fire cooking. Through beautiful photography and stories, we share recipes collected from cooks throughout the country and tell the impact that StoveTeam's fuel-efficient cook stoves have on the lives of Guatemalans. SMOKE - The Flavor of Guatemala will be available for purchase in summer 2023.
Special thanks are due to Colin and Erica McCaig, Nancy Hughes, Susie Andrist, Jannie Rudge, Ginger Chinn, and Mary Carter Taub for their dedication and committment to compiling and sharing these stories to a broader audience. THANK YOU!!
Anabela showcasing our new StoveTeam pots which are a part of our new Stove Adoption Program
“While the opportunity to cut fuel costs tends to be an effective selling point for an improved cookstove, an education process is still required before people internalize the fact that they no longer need a huge pile of wood to build a hot fire. We are trying to change thousands of years of cooking tradition, and it is hard to change human behavior.
The cover of Volume One of Smoke-The Flavor of Guatemala
We Can’t Do It Without You!
From signing up for our email newsletter to becoming a recurring donor “Ember”, we need your support to sustain these projects! Even reading and sharing our inspiring stories can make a big difference in the world.