Steffanie Sorrells gives a moving presentation on StoveTeam’s efforts in Jefferson, GA.
StoveTeam is lucky to partner with Steffanie Sorrells, a Guatemalan and Rotarian leader living in Winder, Georgia. Just this year, Steffanie has raised over $11,000 to place Justa stoves in Retalhuleu, Guatemala: a community that is very close to her heart. With a goal to raise $10,000, Steffanie traveled throughout the state of Georgia sharing about the danger of open fire cooking and the impact of StoveTeam’s work. We spoke with Steffanie to learn what inspired her to focus on Guatemala.
Steffanie explains, “Rotary allows us to connect with people all over the world and partner to do good! Knowing that there are Rotarians present and involved on a project like this gives me the confidence to know the work is being completed.”
Rotary Clubs and Rotarians like Steffanie have supported StoveTeam since its founding; their generosity helped to shape the mission of StoveTeam, drive many of its community grants, and mobilize donations from across the globe. We will be forever grateful for the steadfast support of Rotary members like Steffanie.
“My motivation for getting involved was simply because I saw a basic need and I knew that there was a way to make life better for this community. Connecting the Rotary Club of Retalhuleu with StoveTeam, and being able to assist both groups from 1,500 miles away has been as much of a blessing to me as the Justa Stoves are to the families receiving them.”
Steffanie continued,
A Justa stove placed in Retalhuleu, Guatemala
“I am Guatemalan, so I try my best to give back & help those in Guatemala whenever I can. In Feb 2022, I was in Guatemala on a Rotary sponsored mission trip with another amazing global organization, when I noticed the people I was serving smelled of smoke. Earlier that morning, I had received an email from StoveTeam International telling me about their latest project and this made me realize why our Guatemalan friends smelled smoky. I asked the Guatemalan Rotarians (Club Rotario Reu) if they were cooking over open flames and they told me that the majority of the families in that area did in fact, cook that way! I let them know about StoveTeam International and the amazing work they do to improve the lives of people cooking this way. I then made plans to connect them when I returned to the United States.”
“I asked the Guatemalan Rotarians (Club Rotario Retalhuleu) if they were cooking over open flames and they told me that the majority of the families in that area did,in fact, cook that way!”
Otrivina Elizabet López inspects her new Justa stove in Retalhuleu, Guatemala
My original goal was to raise enough money to sponsor 50 stoves. We have now surpassed 100 stoves and I plan to keep making presentations and raising funds whenever I can.
The Department of Retalhuleu is located in the southwest region of Guatemala spanning a mountainous region that leads to the Pacific coast.
“Presenting to other Rotarians and other non-Rotary groups has been the highlight of my year. It has allowed me to share about a life-changing experience & avenue to serve others that Rotary made possible. Connecting my Rotary peers, friends, family & co-workers with an opportunity to change a family’s life for the better has been very exciting. Allowing myself to be vulnerable and share my own Rotary story has also allowed me to personally grow. I’ve realized how extremely blessed I am to be able to bring this opportunity to help others, and to share with many more people who also have the ability and desire to help others.”
From all of us at StoveTeam, we sincerely thank Steffanie for her efforts not only in fundraising, but also in spreading the word about the danger of open fire cooking to health and our environment.
If Steffanie’s story inspires you, please visit for over a dozen ways to get involved.