

As a young boy Victor never had any hopes or dreams for a career. His parents worked by selling trinkets in the marketplace, and as soon as he was old enough he worked too. Because of his work, he never had a chance to go to school. The jobs he did over the years varied, but they all provided little pay. At age 18 he became a father, and soon three more children followed. In order to make ends meet, he began working as a tree climber to cut down coconuts. It was an incredibly dangerous job, but it mostly paid the bills.

One of his coworkers had a brother who worked at Gustavo’s factory. This brother had fallen ill and couldn’t work, so his coworker wanted to know if he would fill in for him for a little while. He gladly took his place and worked hard, hoping that maybe the temporary gig could turn into something more permanent. Eventually the person he had replaced came back, but the factory kept him on because of his strong work ethic and interest in the job. Before long Victor had worked his way up to become a welder, the most skilled position at the factory.

“This job has changed my life and the future for my children,” he said. “I may never have had the opportunity to go to school, but all four of my children are now in school. Because of this job, they will be able to finish school and have a career.”

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